General Surgery & Anesthesia
Our veterinarians are all experienced in surgery and have the capabilities of handling elective and emergency pet surgery. We provide scheduled pet surgeries Monday through Thursday and emergency pet surgical services Monday through Saturday.
Anesthesia Safety at Douglassville
Pre-Anesthesia Blood Work
Blood work evaluates the health of the major organs, specifically the liver, kidneys and red blood cell lines which play a major role in the patient’s ability to be safely placed under anesthesia.
IV Catheter & IV Fluids
Every patient under general anesthesia should ALWAYS have an IV catheter. IV catheters allow for immediate venous access during an emergency and are used to provide IV fluids which help maintain blood pressure and hydration.
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Anesthesia should never be performed if the patient’s blood pressure is not monitored. Low blood pressure can cause organ damage and in severe cases, death. All of our patients under anesthesia have constant blood pressure evaluation.
Pulse Oximetry (SP02)
Pulse oximetry measures how much oxygen the red blood cells are carrying throughout the body. This information tells us how effectively the patient’s lungs are absorbing oxygen and distributing it. (Pulse oximetry sensor are usually placed on either the tongue or the digits of the patient)
Temperature monitoring & thermal support
Anesthesia lowers metabolic rate and therefore lowers body temperature. Anesthetic hypothermia lowers respiration rate and blood pressure. We monitor patient’s temperature and provide a heated surgery table as well as warm water circulating hot water blankets to preserve optimal body temperature
End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Measurement
Measuring the carbon dioxide levels during exhalation(breathing out) tells us how effectively your pet is breathing under anesthesia and whether we need to provide ventilation assistance. Depressed breathing from anesthesia can affect oxygen delivery, acid/base balance in the blood and can permanently damage the brain, kidney, and other major organs.
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
An EKG monitors the electrical activity of the heart. We use this to monitor heart rate and the health of each heartbeat. EKG readings can identify abnormal electrical beats (arrhythmias) which can require immediate medical intervention.
Intubation with 100% Oxygen
The air we breath contains 21% oxygen; the rest is mainly nitrogen. 21% is fine when you’re awake, but anesthesia suppresses your breathing control. For this reason, we protect the body by providing 100% oxygen. Furthermore, we intubate our anesthetized patients with an endotracheal tube, which is a tube that goes down to the lungs, protects the airway, and enables us to assist your pet’s breathing as needed.
1 on 1 Nursing Care During Anesthesia and Recovery
A veterinary technician is completely dedicated to your pet while under anesthesia and during anesthetic recovery.
Pet Surgeries We Offer
Pet surgery is often the most effective way to treat many serious injuries and disorders, and Douglassville Veterinary Hospital is proud to offer state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Our hospital provides a full range of surgical services ranging from standard spaying and neutering to advanced, highly specialized procedures.
Surgery specialties
- Soft-tissue
- Orthopedic
- Neurological
- Dental
- Ophthalmic
- Foreign body removal
Patient safety and comfort is our main priority. Douglassville Veterinary Hospital’s experienced veterinary anesthesiologists provide skilled pain management during and after all surgical procedures, ensuring your pet recovers quickly and with minimum discomfort.
Our veterinary team will walk you through the entire process, giving you the tools to make informed decisions regarding your pet’s treatment options. We understand surgery is a stressful time for any owner, and we’re available every step of the way to answer questions and put your mind at ease.
Pet Surgery In Douglassville, PA
If you are considering veterinary surgery, please contact us at 610.385.4848 to schedule a consultation with your Douglassville Veterinary Hospital veterinarian.